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Topics For Final History Paper
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
America Shopping Cart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
America Shopping Cart - Essay Example Thirdly, it saves money on stopping and petroleum costs that would have been brought about in the event that one went out shopping the customary way. Furthermore, there are no sales reps associated with the way toward shopping on the web, which suggests that there are no extra expenses. Additionally, web based shopping gives a decent shopping condition where one has the opportunity to shop how they would have preferred to shop. At long last, web based shopping aids the instance of purchasing presents to individuals abroad in the event that one shops on the web, which dispenses with the expense of importation. Notwithstanding these drawbacks, internet shopping has changing hindrances. For this situation, that it takes a more drawn out timeframe in conveyance of items purchased online than customary shopping. Also, the customer doesn't get the exhortation they may require on the item which is for the most part given by the vender dissimilar to on account of conventional shopping. Thirdly, the purchaser may get the dismissed items that have been brought back by different purchasers. What's more, the purchaser brings about costs in postage of the item to his living arrangement. It is absurd to expect to test the items henceforth they is a high danger of buying an off-base item. As indicated by (Popcorn and Marigold), conventional shopping was mostly utilized before the development and advancement of web based shopping. Like web based shopping, conventional shopping has a few focal points in spite of the fact that they vary from favorable circumstances of internet shopping. Initially, the way that one can see and test the item they need to purchase before they really purchase the item settles on an individual settle on an educated choice. Also, one gets the item promptly they buy it, which is significant when the merchandise are required desperately. What's more, customary shopping accommodates direct correspondence between the dealer and the customer and this gives a superior opportunity to deals and inside and out insights concerning the item. In addition, this
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Assignment Internal Cash Control Essay
The shortcomings in the inner command over money distributions are, there ought to be just a single individual accountable for composing the checks for each errand, and there ought to be numbered checks for the two individuals with the goal that the assets spend can be followed simpler, the cupboards were the checks are put away ought to be two bolted cupboards, one for every individual who composes the checks. Reminder: I would prescribe that to have a superior power over cash paid and things bought, that you begin having numbered checks in two separate records, one record for the treasurer and one record for the buying specialist. This strategy will make it simpler for moth gatherings to maintain a strategic distance from slip-ups, and it will likewise be simpler to check cash spent and got. P4-1A The inner control standards actualized by the Guard Dog Company are, numbered checks with the goal that the organization has a number path to screen money dispersment. Each check must have endorsement from Jane Bell, and Dennis Kurt before a check can be given, this is a foundation of obligation to guarantee that not simply anybody particle the organization can compose checks. Checks must be marked by either Tom Kimball, the treasurer, or Karen Thews, the associate treasurer. Prior to marking a check, the underwriter is required to contrast the measures of the check and the sums on the receipt, this is additionally a type of foundation of duty and both of these systems are an utilization of documentation techniques. Subsequent to marking a check, the underwriter stamps the receipt â€Å"paid†and embeds inside the stamp, the date, check number, and measure of the check. The â€Å"paid†receipt is then sent to the bookkeeping division for recording. By doing this it is a method of confirming organization money dispersment and documentation control. Limitless tickets to ride are put away in a safe in the treasurer’s office. The blend to the safe is known by just the treasurer and aide treasurer. By securing the checks a sheltered it sets up duty regarding the checks, and uses a Physical, mechanical, and electronic controls to limit any check issues to one source. Every month the bank proclamation is accommodated with the bank balance per books by the associate boss bookkeeper. By doing this it builds up archive control, thusly any errors in the sum paid can be checked. Demonstrate the shortcomings in inward bookkeeping control in the treatment of assortments. The shortcomings in the treatment of assortments are the manner in which the cash is saved, the manner in which the looks at are made and the manner in which the cash is confirmed and stored. P4-2A List the upgrades in inner control methodology that you intend to make at the following gathering of the review group for (1) the attendants, (2) the head usher, (3) the monetary secretary, and (4) the account panel. The enhancements the attendants need to make is that after each offering they ought to separately tally their own gathered crates and log there sum in a contribution log book, so that there is less space for blunder in the following stage. By giving all the bushels to the head usher without tallying the cash themselves, the head usher can offer any sum on his last store. The upgrades the head usher needs to make is to ensure that each usher tallies their bushels, and that the head usher tallies all the containers and checks for inconsistencies to ensure that nobody is stashing any cash. The head usher ought to likewise check the sum given to him/her against what is written in the contribution log. Have a book to log the measure of cash that is placed into the safe with the goal that it is signed in a manner that can be checked by the advisory group, a note is certainly not a protected technique since it very well may be tossed out, by signing in a book it is simpler to discover were the errors originated from. The enhancements the money related secretary should make is that he/she ought to have a rundown of what should be paid and make a log of the sums that need paid and to ensure the receipts are logged alongside whatever bills or administrations that should have been paid that week. The monetary secretary ought to likewise confirm the measure of cash in the safe against the log that is kept by the attendants. The money related panel should show a progressively itemized rundown of what consumptions are required every month with the goal that the monetary secretary comprehends what is required for installment that month. They ought to likewise be associated with confirming the holy places pay. To improve inner control the congregation ought to have a log for cash got during contributions, they should advise the assemblage to make the checks payable to the congregation or to the record holder that the registers are kept with, on the grounds that anybody can money a look at made to â€Å"cash†. The congregation ought to likewise confirm that any cash not saved from the contribution was spent appropriately and not utilized for individual things. Incorporate how an organization could utilize the five fundamental standards of money the executives to expand exactness for a business. An organization can build the assortment of receivables by offering motivating forces for snappy installment from their clients. An organization can postpone the installment of liabilities and bills to near the due date of the risk or bill, so that if any consumption is required before the due date they won't have gone through the cash too soon. An organization can keep stock low on the product that doesn't sell rapidly, with the goal that the organization has cash for the product that is well known and selling quick. An organization that desire to grow should hold up until they have overabundance cash in a moderate season with the goal that they can extend their business and possess new areas open in energy for their bustling season. An organization ought to put cash that is sitting inert into generally safe companies’, the most widely recognized type of fluid ventures is enthusiasm paying U. S. government protections.
Friday, August 21, 2020
loftblogging 2 acoustic boogaloo
loftblogging 2 acoustic boogaloo I had a plan for this blog post: I was going to build a loft01 Quick loft backstory: East Campus gives us a lot of furniture freedom, and many people build lofts for their beds in order to acquire more floor space for other things. during REX, and then write about it. Then I had another plan for this blog post: I was going to build a loft before school starts, and then write about it. Then I had another plan for this blog post: I was going to build a loft in the first week of school, and then write about it. And here we are, in the fourth week of school. But hey! I did build that loft! And she is BEAUTIFUL: The inspiration for this loft started with a really, really old house. An inCREDIBLY COOL old house: the Gamble House, which was built in Pasadena in 1908 by Charles and Henry Greene.02 Who, fun fact, got their architecture degrees from this fine institution! My parents and I were in SoCal last March Break (to visit my four-year-old twin cousins!!!!) and we heard about it through a friend. Because I am a huge architecture/woodworking/crafts nerd, I knew we had to go on a tour; I spent the whole time just f r e a k i n g o u t about how cool it was and then immediately bought the making-of book, already dreaming about all the things I could build in their beautiful Arts Crafts style. I still have the loft designs I scribbled on a napkin in the car on the way home. Six months later, it turns out that, well, its difficult to build extremely beautiful and fancy things when you are a full time student living in a dorm who doesnt have a lot of woodworking experience and owns almost none of their own tools But all those things considered, I think I didnt do too badly. One of the features that immediately caught my eye was how every single thing in the Gamble House is rounded (even the mf-ing bricks); there are no sharp edges. You can run your hand over every piece of the house, and it feels like a soft, smooth wooden hug. I didnt exactly have the proper tools to pull this off (ideally, a wood router), so instead I just used an orbital sander03 An electric spinning tool to which you attach a piece of sandpaper so you can sand wood faster and without getting carpal tunnel to veeeeeeery carefully sand down each individual sharp edge until it blended into a soft corner. This was difficult. Before and after orbital sanding the edge of a piece of test wood. I liked the way the result softened the piece, but really disliked the uneven look (which I mostly managed to refine in later iterations). Another thing I loved was the richness of the wood: everything in the Gamble House is made of very dark-coloured wood, but it shines so beautifully that looking at it immediately brings to mind the warmth of a low fire. Unfortunately, I make student money and am not in a position to just order up a pallet of beautiful teak or mahogany, nor do I have anywhere near the skill required to do those materials the justice they would deserve. So instead, I bought the cheapest dimensional lumber available at Lowes and then sanded, stained, and varnished the heck out of it. An arrow pointing right Previous An arrow pointing right Next Lastly, I really loved the shapes of things in the Gamble House and the way they fit together. That one particular shape you mightve already noticed in the photos above is called a cloud lift: the Greene brothers used it everywhere, and Im in love with the way it turns a simple object into a just very slightly whimsical and elegant design. In the car on that napkin, and later on graph paper, I drew out cloud lift lofts, over and over, trying to get it right and figure out what the relative lengths of everything had to be to make it look like the ones I had seen. And then I switched cutting tools like three times trying to figure out how to actually cut the wood that way. And then I gave up on doing the most complicated and best looking version, simplified it, and switched cutting tools again. This all took a long. ass. time. And meanwhile, I was trying to run REX install new flooring in my room meet my floors new freshmen attend my classes attend a truly horrendous number of extracurricular meetings do my homework and also my other homework and also my other other homework So its been a long time. There was a week or so, after I realized that finishing before school starts was an illusion of the highest order, when I planned to just post before the loft was done. Except, surprise, I was spending all my available free time, energy, and mental space working on the loft! And to be honest, it was really hard. Of course, Id started out with lofty goals04 NO PUN INTENDED I SWEAR and had had to scale down, but I hadnt anticipated having to scale down, and down, and down. And things went wrong, because of course they do; but unlike in a class, where I can always go to office hours or ask my TA, sometimes I was just in the basement, alone, at midnight, trying to varnish the wood, getting dust in it and wiping it off over and over, feeling like I would never be able to finish successfully. (Although, thank god there was someone with me the time I accidentally spilled the wood stain everywhere, and thank you so, so much for helping me clean everything up.) It took so long to get anything done, and afterwards there was always another step, and another mistake to make that I wouldnt see coming or be able to fix, and another night of falling into bed exhausted, having neglected everything else I was hoping to get done that day and feeling unsatisfied with the work I had accomplished. Spoiler alert: theres still some dust in the varnish. And Ive made well, Im in the process of making my peace with that. I can tell you so many things that are wrong in the pictures of my loft: so much I should probably fix in the future, and so much that I didnt see coming in the past and will never be able to fix now. But Im trying to set that aside, and appreciate that I turned a pile of plain, straight, white, splintery wood into this: The empty space is about 18. Theres going to be a shelf there soon! Photo credits go to Maxwell Yun 21. And now I can sleep easy. Post Tagged #East Campus #lofts #woodworking Quick loft backstory: East Campus gives us a lot of furniture freedom, and many people build lofts for their beds in order to acquire more floor space for other things. back to text ? back to text ? An electric spinning tool to which you attach a piece of sandpaper so you can sand wood faster and without getting carpal tunnel back to text ? NO PUN INTENDED I SWEAR back to text ?
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Farmer, Political Boss, and Immigrant - 968 Words
Farmer, Political Boss, and Immigrant Various people from the late nineteenth century held diverse opinions on political issues of the day. The source of this diversity was often due to varying backgrounds these people experienced. Three distinct groups of people are the farming class, the political bosses, and the immigrants, who poured into the country like an unstoppable flood. These groups of people also represented the social stratification of the new society, which had just emerged from rapid industrialization. These three groups had large differences in many aspects such as power, amount of money, and influence in political events of the day. The political boss dominated local city governments and pretended to be Robin†¦show more content†¦The prices of staple goods dropped dramatically from the1860s to the 1890s. The farmers were losing large amounts of money that they desperately needed. The tariff on manufactured goods vexed the farmers because even though their own profits were decreasing, the prices of important manufactured goods were not due to absence of foreign competition. The farmers were further bothered by the domestic marketing system which allowed numerous middlemen to take large shares of the profit of agriculture. There was a shortage of credit, which made it difficult to finance the construction of necessary improvements. The farmers were plagued by numerous natural disasters including tornadoes, floods, and droughts. These conditions, which could destroy property and crops, also provided a difficult environment to grow crops. If the crops could not be grown, the farmer had no means of supporting him and his family. After a boom in the mid-1880s, the population of western farm states increased enormously. This large influx of people contributed to the destruction of open-range cattle raising. A prolonged drought following these boom years devastated the farmers and many soon returned East with no money and low morale. Thus, farmers were dissatisfie d with government policy and politicians began to discuss resolutions to their problems. Many farmers began toShow MoreRelatedThe American Revolution And The Declaration Of Freedom From The British Crown Essay1249 Words  | 5 Pagescame an expanding interest in minorities like immigrants, children, the working class, and women. When it came to the formation of the Populist party, women’s suffrage movement, and laws increasing the education for children, the aforementioned assertion was the case. Nevertheless, not all of the interests were entirely existent, such as the American reaction to the fraudulence of the city boss system, and the restrictions on the incoming immigrants. Although there was a sense of economic flourishmentRead MoreWhy Did The Europeans Leave For The Us?1121 Words  | 5 PagesThe New Immigrants Q. 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The populists campaigned for a bimetallic standard to back American currency with hopes of creating inflation to diminish the growing debts of farmers. Regulation ofRead MoreThe Industrialization After the Civil War1438 Words  | 6 Pagesaffected because they were not working for themselves anymore. They now had a boss, or bosses, to answer to, their pay was extremely low and they were being exploited; especially the children and women whom were being paid significantly lower than men. Life was now all about work, the need to spend money and buying products. Another major aspect of the industrialization was politics. American politics were affected by political corruption. The industrial revolution meant more money and wealth for theRead MoreWhat Is The Misconception Of Programs Costs To The Public?1260 Words  | 6 Pagesdisclose this mental health condition in fear that it would make them a less desirable Yang narrowed his sample size to Fuzhounese Chinese Immigrants residing in New York City. While it is not unique to the immigrant experience to encounter exposure to â€Å"racism, sexism, poverty, and political violence†(Farmer 2005) these forms of discrimination affect immigrants mental health. One male participant in this study articulated that due to the pressing economic challenges he faced, he could not afford toRead MoreThe Impact Of Political Machine On The City1912 Words  | 8 PagesUrban America Discuss the political machine and its operations in the city, 1865 – 1939 The political machine is very powerful in the city and because of how powerful it is that urban United States was able to develop so much and increase in power in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. A political machine is system of political organization based on patronage, the spoils system, and political ties. Sometimes political machines have a boss and sometimes they may not have a boss, and always have a corpsRead MoreApush Ch 91650 Words  | 7 Pagesthe emigration of mechanics. Yet, still many British mechanics migrated over to the United States because they were lured by the higher wages. In competing the British mills, America had the advantage of an abundance of natural resources. America’s farmers were able to produce large amounts of cotton and wool, and they had fast flowing rivers that provided good transportation. But the British undersold their American competitors, having cheap transportation and low wages they were able to import rawRead More Social Changes in America Brought About by the Gilded Age Essay1710 Words  | 7 Pagesmany other changes developing in the country. Industrialization was taking over the formerly agricultural country. The nation’s government was also in great conflict (Foner 20). Many changes occurred during the Gilded Age. These changes affected farmers, labor, business, and politics. Many southerners saw Reconstruction as an attempt by the north to punish the south, rather than an attempt to rebuild the nation (Foner 29). This period was marked by intense bitterness and anger. Regional and racialRead More american immigration Essay2286 Words  | 10 Pagesour country in many ways, many of which being economic reasons from 1820-1860. There have been many reasons for people migrating to America. Among the top of these reasons are those of Political Freedom, and Economic opportunities, which include people wanting more money and better jobs. A large amount of immigrants from this time period came by way of Slavery. From the 1820s until 1860 Immigration to America has affected the national economy in many positive and negative ways. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;AroundRead MorePolitical Parties Interest Groups Essay1586 Words  | 7 PagesPolitical Parties and Interest Groups Parties are not mentioned in the U.S. Constitution, they are vital to the function of the electoral system in the states. Parties organize opposition by recruiting and nominating candidates, act as opposition powerless, unify electorate, and provide government and people linkage.(Magleby 55) Election rules in favor of Democrats and Republicans, not minorities. Minor parties must have a min. number of votes to appear on ballot. Various things must appear
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Sex Education Is Important For A Student s Comprehensive...
+ Sex is important. Every human life is the result of someone having sex. So why has sex education become such a controversy? The entirety of the issue seems to fit under a cloud of scandal, because almost every topic is slightly taboo. Sex education however, is vital and absolutely necessary for a student’s comprehensive education. Students, parents, and teachers begin to hit roadblocks when human dignity and social inequalities begin to cause issues and misconceptions about sex education. When one is informed about what sex education really is, the issues within sex education that need to be faced, and how communication can create more solutions, the understanding of how sex education should be handled will naturally increase. The difficult and controversial topic of sex education is inundated with complicated issues, however with the help of increased education and communication, more solutions can be found for our most challenging problems. Sex education is a program that can teach students about multiple facets of sex, the anatomy of male and female bodies, and relationships leading up to sex. Unfortunately, more often than not, sex education does not cover over all of these topics. Depending on the school or program certain elements of the education process may be withheld from students. In her 2008 book, Risky Lessons: Sex Education and Social Inequality, Jessica Fields discusses how the North Carolina school board chose to omit three chapters from their sexShow MoreRelatedShould Sex Education Be Taught? Abstinence Only Education?1397 Words  | 6 PagesSexual education in schools has become a highly controversial topic over the past few years. Some people believe students should be taught abstinence-only education, while others believe students need the full on â€Å"sex talk†. While the sex education controversy may seem silly, it is very important that students receive the most efficient education possib le. When it comes to education parents want their children to receive the most effective kind. This is also very true in terms of sex education. SexRead MoreSex Education For Public Schools1426 Words  | 6 PagesSex Education Research Paper Sex education being taught in public schools is a reoccurring topic in many schools. More recently, it has also caught the attention of the public again due to rising unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted disease among young teenagers in the US over the last decade or so. â€Å"Each year, U.S. teens experience as many as 850,000 pregnancies, and youth under age 25 experience about 9.1 million sexually transmitted infections†(McKeon). Sex Education is attempting toRead MoreSex Education Is An Important, Emotional And Controversial1645 Words  | 7 PagesSex education is an important, emotional and controversial topic to teach youth in today’s world. The question is, what is the best information, and the best way to teach them? Comprehensive sex education is teaching teens how to practice safe sex, providing teens with types of protection, and how to use it, as well as services and resources available to help them in making decisions to practice safe sex. Abst inence-only programs teach teens to not have sex, or anything â€Å"arousing†until marriageRead MoreThe, Birds And The Bees Analogy1575 Words  | 7 PagesSex is a very awkward subject to talk about especially for parents to their children, as it brings up thoughts and topics over raging hormones and actions. Ever since humans have evolved through time, sex has been imperative to survival by sharing various genetics, skills, and traits from both parties. Seems easy enough? Not necessarily. Even if parents do use the classic ‘birds and the bees’ analogy for discuss this scandalous subject, children are still curious about how it works and wish to exploreRead MoreSex Education And Sexual Education948 Words  | 4 Pagesdecline is comprehensive sex education taught in schools. One the other hand, the opponents believe that the reason for this decline is the sex education classes that teach about not having sex. Even when most schools are teaching abstinences only sex education about sixty-six percent of high school students says they are sexually active. Which concludes that the abstinences only sex education is not working and is not the proper way of teaching sex education in schools. Not teaching proper sex educationRead MoreSex Education in the U.S. and Japan Essay1202 Words  | 5 Pagesbeen discussed for decades to decrease teenage pregnancy and sex related diseases. According to The National Campaign to prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy (2013), the U.S. has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy among developed countries, and about sixty eight girls per thousand became pregnant in 2008. To change this situation, the U.S. provides two kinds of sex education: abstinence-only sex education and comprehensive sex education. In contrast, Japan has one of the lowest rates among developedRead MoreShould Sex Education Be A Part Of The Necessary Curriculum?1321 Words  | 6 PagesThe debate over whether or not sex education sho uld be a part of the necessary curriculum has been a popular topic of controversy since the 1960s (Pardini). Sex education is defined as â€Å"[a] broad term used to describe education about human sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexual intercourse, and other aspects of human sexual behavior†(â€Å"Sex Education†, Science Daily). Today in the United States, many people no longer feel that sex is a topic to be ignored or not mentioned in â€Å"polite society,†Read MoreAbstinence-only vs. Abstinence-plus1607 Words  | 7 Pagesare bigger than the issue of underage sex, and all the issues stemming from it. The number of teenagers becoming sexually active, pregnant, and contracting sexually transmitted diseases are rapidly on the rise. There is no simple fix, or easy solution to this problem. Sex education should begin at home, and extend to include an effective program in schools that reinforce a clear message of abstaining from sexual activity in additi on to informing students of the risks posed by engaging in sexualRead MoreSample Resume : Comprehensive Sex Education887 Words  | 4 PagesMentor: Cruickshank BACKGROUND EQ: SHOULD COMPREHENSIVE SEX EDUCATION BE TAUGHT IN US PUBLIC SCHOOLS? While abstinence-only sex education discusses solely abstinence, comprehensive sex education provides information about various areas of human sexuality and methods to practice safe and healthy sexual behaviors. To fully understand the controversy surrounding comprehensive sexual education, one need to obtain knowledge about the history of sex education in the United States, legislation, classRead MoreThe Significance Of Sex Education982 Words  | 4 PagesOctober 2017 The Significance of Sex Education As teenagers start to grow up, they face with many difficult decisions about relationship and sexual behavior in their lives. It can impact their lives, health and behavior. To make sure that your children follow the right path to live a healthy life, sex education can prepare them to make good decisions. If you are not sexually active, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give up your chance to learn about it. Sex education shouldn’t be limited to teenagers
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Argument Against School Uniforms - 993 Words
Wouldn’t you appreciate that your children always know what to wear for school? School uniform is what makes it easy! A set of clothing that is mainly worn, school uniform is one of the schools policy and recommendation. Generally worn in elementary and middle school, this outfit is composed of specific colors of long or short pants and shirts for boys, sometimes with a tie. Girls usually wear a dress or a blouse worn either with a skirt or pants, all however have the same colors. This dress code determines even the type of shoes that should be worn at school. School uniform may vary from school to school, but it remains the basis dress code for the education system. The adoption of school extensive uniform mandatory has been encouraged†¦show more content†¦Lucille Lange, a school administrator from Bogota explains: â€Å"Students are leaning to think independently and need to realize that the right to express themselves comes with responsibility and consequences.â⠂¬ (2011). Students opportunity of free expression, their personality, and individualism is unable to develop to its fullest capacity. Opponents think that when children select their own clothing, they can develop confidence and independence, vital characteristics through the personality development and adult success. Controlling extremely the socialization process of students will harm them as an adult, because they will not be prepared for the real world, indeed by their appearances. In addition, opponents argue that when students are limited about what they are going to wear, they will find other ways to offend the authority. Without a way out of expression in their clothes, they will turn out to other inappropriate alternatives of self-expression, such as nontraditional hair styles or make-up, or the worst revolting against school authorities and parents by the way they behave and act. It is obvious that children, especially those in middle and high school, are constantly concerned about their appearance that way, wearing a school uniform will minimize this concern. They also believe schools can help students av oid clothing that contains slogans, short or tight clothing; while giving themShow MoreRelatedArguments Against School Uniforms998 Words  | 4 PagesSchool uniforms and dress codes are becoming a popular trend among schools. Most Students and some parents don’t agree with the enforcement with school uniforms, saying that uniforms are taking away self-expression in schools. But, school uniforms are not a negative thing to have. Yes, uniforms and some very strict dress codes limit what the students have to choose to wear to school every day, but it doesn’t limit them from learning which is the main reason they are in school. Some students treatRead MoreArguments against the Use of School Uniforms862 Words  | 3 Pages Uniforms School uniforms in England were first introduced during the occupation of King Henry VII. England is mostly known for their school uniforms even though British people are not very interested, in fact they spend less money on clothes than the people of many European countries. Although, the school uniforms are part of the British image, many individuals oppose the use of school uniforms. The British is mostly known for their clothes, more specifically the school uniforms, it is oneRead MoreArgument Against School Uniforms Should Not Be Banned1556 Words  | 7 PagesArgument Against School Uniforms My disagreement against school dress code is that public schools should not make the student go to school uniforms. Students should be able to wear any appropriate clothing they want to wear. School uniforms are not the way to be unsuccessful in education. School uniforms are a waste of time to have in a public school system. Teachers should make the students go home and change into school appropriate clothes. Public schools should give students a chance on what theyRead MoreThe Pros and Cons of Wearing School Uniform1523 Words  | 6 PagesScientific research shows that school uniforms make the student appear smarter and more well-behaved, according to Behling (1994). In the experimental study, Behling found that when students wore uniforms, they were perceived in a more positive light by both their peers and by teachers too. The research is based on the theory of person perception. Person perception theory suggests that a persons clothing and appearance lead to the formation of first impressions, and those first impressions can lastRead MoreEssay on Implementation of School Uniforms635 Words  | 3 PagesImplementation of School Uniforms The topic of school uniforms has been highly debated for many years. Many would think it would be the teachers versus the pupils in this debate but they would be wrong, this argument has members from both sides fighting for and against it. In this essay I will look at the topic from both sides and be un-objective in my writing. Many of the arguments made in favour of school uniforms have something to do with the safety of the school communityRead MoreSchool Uniforms are a Terrible Idea984 Words  | 4 PagesRefutation essay- â€Å"school uniforms are a terrible idea†The essay school uniforms are a terrible idea states that. School uniforms fail to achieve the goals for which a school uniform was established suck as to save students money to, to prevent violence, and create a more organized school environment. The essay also states the uniforms restrict student’s freedom of expression. That school uniforms have led to more violence and that since no studies have yet proven that a uniform policy can solveRead MoreIn Consideration of School Uniforms Essay1216 Words  | 5 PagesSchool Uniforms A group of small boys and girls all wearing the same colored school uniforms assembled in front of a catholic school is what I imagine when thinking about school uniforms. This is probably what most people imagine. They have been attached to students of European and private schools. Such pictures of students dressing in school uniforms have led to stereotyping and a negative attitude towards schools enforcing a uniform policy. Displayed as robots without the ability to expressRead MoreThe Implementation Of School Uniforms1243 Words  | 5 Pagesdebated upon is the implementation of school uniforms. In the United States, school uniforms have become more and more widespread. Although, some schools disagree with the requirement of a school uniform and decide to require a school dress code instead. The pros and cons of a school uniform are very controversial. Deciding whether a school uniform should be implemented is not a black and white issue. Arguments to support school uniforms state that school uniforms create an altogether better environmentRead MoreBenefits Of A Uniformed School Day1550 Words  | 7 PagesA Uniformed School Day Uniforms have been a key element in promoting a successful, safe and unified establishment. Those successful establishments could possibly include a private high school, a sporting team, or even a business. Typically, private schools enforce the policy that a uniform most be worn by all enrolled students. But why hasn’t the majority of traditional public schools, developed uniform policies? Benefits of uniforms within schools may include, students feeling more professionalRead MoreSchool Uniform Policy1670 Words  | 7 PagesEvery year there is a new debate going on in the public schools about whether or not school uniforms are necessary. Some parents think that school uniforms should be enforced, as they feel it brings structure, safety, modesty and a lack of ridicule to our children. On the other hand, there are parents that argue that it takes away a child’s freedom of expression, independence, free spirit and individuality. Both of these arguments are valid, I hope to help give some insight into this subject
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Fruit Fly Introduction free essay sample
The purpose of this lab is to understand how each offspring inherits its genotype and how its phenotype reflects it. Sex chromosomes determine the sex of the offspring, and the autosomes consist of all the other chromosomes that determine phenotypic traits. Dominant traits are the genes that are expressed, while the recessive traits are masked by the dominant traits. We used Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly), mutating the female fruit fly with a scalloped gene to change the phenotype of its offspring and using males with genes showing wild-type. Placing WT males and SD females in the same vile, we provided the flies an atmosphere to mate, giving us offspring with mixed genotypes and phenotypes. This experiment will reflect the breeding of fruit flies and how genes are present within adults as well as passed down through the offspring. Our four hypotheses related to mode of inheritance that was used to pass the gene. We will write a custom essay sample on Fruit Fly Introduction or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The mode of inheritance for the scalloped gene is autosomal dominant. The genotype of the female parent is homozygous dominant. The male parent genotype is homozygous recessive. From this hypothesis we expect all of the offspring to have a heterozygous genotype, and the offspring would all be scalloped†¦. The mode of inheritance for the scalloped gene is autosomal recessive. The genotype of the female parent is homozygous recessive. The genotype of the male parent is homozygous dominant. From the hypothesis we can expect the offspring to have heterozygous genotypes, but the offspring’s phenotype would be wild type†¦. The mode of inheritance for the scalloped gene is sex-linked dominant. The genotype of the female is homozygous dominant. The genotype of the male parent is hemizygous recessive. From this hypothesis we can expect all the female offspring to be heterozygous and all the male offspring to be hemizygous dominant. Both male and female offspring would be scalloped†¦.. Finally, the mode of inheritance for the scalloped gene is sex-linked recessive. The genotype of the female parent is homozygous recessive. The genotype of the male parent is hemizygous dominant. From this hypothesis we can expect all the females to have heterozygous genotypes and all the male offspring to have hemizygous recessive genotypes. In this prediction, all the male offspring would be scalloped, while the females would be wild type†¦.. The hypothesis that stated the mode of inheritance for the scalloped gene is autosomal dominant, and the mode of inheritance for the scalloped gene is sex-linked dominant predicted that all of the offspring are scalloped. To set up the reciprocal cross, the mutant gene was given to the male rather than the female from the first experiment and the female received the wild-type. The first hypothesis stated was that the mode of inheritance for scalloped is autosomal dominant. In this hypothesis the female genotype was homozygous recessive while the male’s was homozygous dominant. The offspring from this cross had heterozygous genotypes and expressed the mutant phenotype. †¦. The mode of inheritance for scalloped is autosomal recessive. In this cross, the male parent had a homozygous recessive genotype, while the female had a homozygous dominant genotype. The result of this was that all of the offspring had a heterozygous genotype and expressed the wild type phenotype. †¦ The mode of inheritance for scalloped is sex linked dominant. In this cross the female parent had a homozygous recessive genotype while the male had a hemizygous dominant genotype. The female offspring from this cross were heterozygous and expressed the mutant phenotype, while the male offspring had a hemizygous recessive genotype and expressed the wild type phenotype. †¦ The mode of inheritance for scalloped is sex linked recessive. In this cross, the female parent had a homozygous dominant genotype while the male parent had a hemizygous recessive genotype. The female offspring of this cross had a heterozygous genotype while the males had a hemizygous dominant genotype. All offspring expressed the wild type phenotype†¦. Each of the Punnett squares are possible outcomes of offspring phenotypes based on the genotypes of the parents. By comparing our results to that of the Punnett square’s we will be able to determine, through process of elimination, whether or not the mutation is a dominant or recessive trait and if it appears through an autosomal or sex linked chromosome. Based on the phenotypes of the offspring, we can infer the identifications of the parental genotypes.
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